Scholarly Societies 


A Future Home for the Scholarly Societies Project
The Situation as of Early 2024
The Necessity for a New Home t present, the data set for Edition Two of the Scholarly Societies Project is maintained privately by the Editor and Curator of the Original Edition, Jim Parrott, who is now an octogenarian. If this resource is to remain accessible, and well-maintained, for future scholars, it must ultimately find a new home, with new care-takers.
Finding a Desirable Home
The Type of Institutional Home here are a couple of considerations here. The first being that we would like the new home to be associated with an institution that is unlikely to collapse in the near future. This makes a strong case for a not-for-profit institution - preferably a venerable, highly regarded one.

Working Relationship with the New Home t would also be ideal to find a new home that would allow a team of people charged with the maintenance of the Project (fixing errors and adding new materials) access to the data set to make appropriate modifications. This would not be an absolute requirement, but would certainly help maintain the Scholarly Societies Project as an active entity.


Published 2024, February 18
Jim Parrott, Editor
Repertorium Veterrimarum Societatum Litterariarum
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